Thursday, 28 February 2013

Spines Stripes Car Decals

In modifying the appearance of the car using vinyl cut sticker often reflect the personality of the owner of the car itself. Therefore, it would be better if someone took a poll of people or friends who can be trusted to comment on some of the design have been made. Why is that? A good design stickers will definitely get a good rating as well and certainly will affect the value of the individual personality of the owner of the car.

Spines Stripes Car Decals

spines stripes car decals

There are a lot of sticker maker service that provides a large selection of designs. In addition one can also design own sticker that will produce a unique and fantastic sticker as shown above.

In the picture above, the designer tries to combine sharp lines with the spines in the intersection of perpendicular lines. Vinyl colors used also showed higher contrast with car paint. However, it all depends on the tastes of each individual in determining the contrast between the color design and paint the vehicle.

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